76 Park Street
Historical changes had taken their toll upon the property and it was our challenge to unpick these changes.
We examined and audited what original features remained, to analyse both the existing planform but also discover the building’s historical one, in order to find potential in this special but abandoned building. In understanding the property it was key to acknowledge it would never be a single dwelling again.
The challenge was how to sensitively convert the building into 6 flats suitable for modern student accommodation. The key was to re-insert and replicate the main stairs of which only a fraction remained. This helped repair the planform, bring the side entrance back into reuse and restore an element of grandure.
We restored original features where possible and restored some of the extensive damage. We had hoped to remove the external paint to uncover the original finishes but these were unfortunately in such a poor state of repair that we had to recover them with a breathable finish.
The building is not only now a home for student accommodation but also offices for Urban Creation with a wonderfully located coffee shop to the corner.
The project was delivered by Pyramid Construction, with help from BDC Structural Engineering, Jane Clayton Interiors and CSJ Planning.
Project roundup:
Client: Urban Creation
Project Team: Pyramid Construction, BDC Structural Engineering, Jane Clayton Interiors & CSJ Planning.
Location: Bristol, UK